PHP Function Index Version History
Version 2.1.2:
- Fixes a crash when trying to download user comments without connection to the Internet
Version 2.1.1:
- Fixes a problem with resizing the function list column
- Adds acknowledgments to the ReadMe file
Version 2.1:
- New 'Find in Page' functionality has been added
- Bookmarking now works with all pages of the manual, not only function pages
- Old bookmarks are converted automatically
- Adds a command to lookup functions in TextMate from Akatombo Media (more info here)
Version 2.0:
- Downloading and caching of the user contributed notes from PHP.NET, displayed in a drawer
- Batch download of all notes at once, done in a massive multithreading manner to improve performace
- New home button to get back to the homepage of the manual
- Universal Binary to run on PowerPC as well as on Intel Macs
Version 1.1:
- Keyboard command to focus on the search field
- Function column resizeable
- Added lookup as a system service
- Improved the BBEdit script with the select word script from Daring Fireball (more info here)
- Improved user interface layout
- Automatic version check at startup
Version 1.0:
- Initial release
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